
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ghosts of Fort Mifflin

Almost a ghost itself, Fort Mifflin still stands along the banks of the Delaware River on the outskirts of Philadelphia as if watching for a phantom enemy from the past.  Built in 1771, the fort was the scene of a large naval bombardment by the British during the Revolutionary War.  The fort held off the British assault on Philadelphia until General George Washington and his troops could retreat to Valley Forge.  The fort was active through the Civil War up until 1952 when it was abandoned as a military installation.  It is now home to many ghosts from various eras.

Entrance to Fort Mifflin

A ghostly image of a lamplighter can be seen strolling near the soldier's barracks.  During the days of yesteryear, he must have fulfilled his duties nightly by walking around lighting the lanterns and light fixtures around the fort.  Not wanting to relinquish these duties, he still wanders the grounds.

A captain from the civil war era can also be seen inspecting the gun emplacements, making sure all is ready for the next ethereal assault.

Near the powder magazine, a revolutionary era soldier can be seen sitting cleaning his gun.  Many folks have returned from their tour and complimented the staff on the revolutionary re-inactor, only to be told that there was no re-in actors at the fort.  They have nicknamed him "Amos".

Fort Mifflin powder magazine

At one point during the active lifetime of the fort, a blacksmith named Jason liked to keep the doors to his shop open all of the time.  The commander of the fort wished them to be closed for obvious reasons.  Today the doors to the blacksmith shop seem to open all by themselves.
Blacksmith shop at Fort Mifflin

The outer casements seem to be the site of a concentration of civil war phantoms. What appears to be a confederate prisoner of war can be seen in this area.  The fort was used to house confederate prisoners during the Civil War. Just outside the casements a Federal soldier has been spotted sitting. When a closer approach is taken, it becomes apparent that the man does not have a face.

View of the Delaware River from Fort Mifflin's walls

Elizabeth Pratt married an officer in the army and lived at the fort with him. Depressed over the death of her daughter who also lived at the fort, Elisabeth hanged herself from the second floor of the officer's quarters.  There are occasions in the evening when her screams of mourning can be heard from outside the fort.

Cannon standing guard outside the officer's quarter's at Fort Mifflin

1 comment:

  1. I would highly reccomend visiting the Fort for anyone interested in spirit activity. I moved into the area about 6 years ago and went to the Fort for educational purposes. I had no knowledge of the Fort being haunted at that time. When I went into casemate 11, apparently where a prisoner was kept, I heard what sounded like some kind of scratching on the very back wall. I didn't really think anything of it and at the time I remember thinking, oh, it's probably an animal. I was visiting in the outer casemates with my brother and two cousins and we were on a guided historical tour. I was standing in a far corner of the last casemate and I felt someone push my shoulder. I assumed it was one of my family members, but when I turned around, everyone in my party was standing at least 10 or more feet away from me. In the time it took me to turn around, I felt that they wouldn't have enough time to have pushed me. To this day I am amazed and fascinated with this incredible place and amazing piece of history!!!
